Saturday, April 25, 2009

Clandestine 'ordinations' of four 'Catholic' women-bishops in California - click to read

I am posting this sad news thinking about Archp Lefebvre's excommunication for ordaining four Bishops without Papal approval over twenty years ago, whereas clandestine ordinations of women priests in the Catholic Church are still taking place. Pope Benedict issued statement last year declaring automatic excommunication for women priests and for Bishops ordaining them. This has not been taken seriously enough by those involved in the scandal.

This humorous picture referring to the scandal was posted on the Angelqueen forum. It maybe entitled "Tea party after".
One can watch this misery on YouTube

From EWTN library Ban on women priests infallible Those who are involved in women-priests ordinations or propagate this idea are NOT CATHOLIC. Our Lord called twelve MEN for His Apostles and no women, very clear message.