Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday - Our Lady's Day - click to read previous post

In order that her virginity might be perfect, Mary consecrated it to God by a vow. Since the Old Law made the generation of children a matter of obligation for God's Chosen People, Mary did not make an absolute vow of virginity until, through the Angel Gabriel, she knew she was to be the Mother of Christ. Then she took this vow in conjunction with St Joseph, her husband. In spite of her perpetual virginity, Mary was really married to St Joseph. In justice to her Son, to herself, and to society, it was necessary that she be married. If she had not been married, men would have said that her Son was an illegitimate child, the fruit of some sinful union. Christ needed the name, the protection and the care of human father. If Mary had not been married, the Jews might have considered her an adulteress, and so might have stoned her to death ro ruined her reputation. Again, because Joseph was the husband of Mary, he is a witness to the miraculous conception and birth of Christ. He confirms Mary's story about the conception and borth of her divine Child. The marriage of Mary and Joseph was a real marriage in terms they were united to one annother by the bond of mutual love, a love of the spirit. They gave to each other those conjugal rights which are of the essence of marriage, although, by their vow of virginity, they agreed never to use those rights. And their marriage was blessed with a Child to Whom they gave parental love, care and upbringing.