Monday, November 06, 2006


"My Imitation of Christ"
by Thomas a Kempis
Revised translation edited by Confraternity of the Precious Blood, Imprimatur Thomas Edmundus Molloy, Archbishop of Brooklyn, 1954

Book One - useful adminishes for a Spiritual Life

CHAPTER 7 -Avoiding Vain Hope and Pride

1. He is vain who puts trust in man or in creatures. - Jer. xvii. 5; Ps. cxiv. 2Be not ashamed to serve others and to appear poor in this world for the love of Jesus Christ.- 2 Cor. iv. 5. Confide not in thyself, but place thy hope in God-Ps. Lxxii. 28. Do what is in thy power, and God will be with thy good will. Trust not in thine own knowledge, nor in the cunning of any man living, but rather in the grace of God, who helps the humble and humbles those who presume themselves.

2. Glory not in riches, if thou hast them, nor in friends, becasue they are powerful, but in God, who gives all things, and desires to give Himself above all things. - 1 Cor. 1, 31. Boast not of the stature nor in beauty of thy body which is spoiled and disfigured by a little sickness. Do not take pride in thy ability or talent, lest thou displease God, to whom belongs every natural good quality and talent which thou hast.

3. Esteem not thyself better than others, lest, perhaps thou be accounted worst in the sight of God, who knows what is in man. Be not proud of thy own works: for the judgments of God are different from the judgments of man; and often times that displeaseth Him which pleaseth man. if thou hast anything of good believe better things of others that thou mayst preserve humility. It will do thee no harm to esteem thyself the worst of all; but it will hurt thee very much to prefer thyself before any one. Continual peace is with the humble; but in the heart of the proud is frequent envy and indignation.