Monday, September 11, 2006


fragments from the "Way of Perfection" by St Teresa, chapter 28,

1. ...You know that God is everywhere, which is a great truth. Now the place where the king dwells is called his court: so, wherever God dwells there is heaven, and you may feel sure that all which is glorious is near His Majesty.

2. Remember what St. Augustine tells us he sought God in many places and at last found the Almighty within himself. Do you consider it of slight importance for a soul given to wandering thoughts to realize this truth and see that it has no need to go to heaven in order to speak to the eternal Father or enjoy His company: nor is it requisite to raise the voice to address Him, for He hears every whisper however low.....with utter humility, talk to Him as to your Father: ask for what you want as from a father; tell Him your sorrows and beg Him for relief, realizing at the same time that you are unworthy to be called His daughter.

3....Humility would not lead you to refuse a favour from the king, but would make you accept and take pleasure in it although you recognize how little it was your due....Do not be foolish: remind Him that he has promised to be your Bridgeroom, and treat Him as He were. [Be convinced of your need of realizing that God dwells within you, and that you may remain there with Him].

Today's image is by Claudio Coello "Communion of St Teresa of Avila"